Verbo Community » Adults

Text communicator with apps

Text communicator with apps


(In Spanish) A communicator with purely textual language representation, with automatic conjugation capacity in person, number and tense, writing and note prediction. It includes several semantic categories. This new version of the text communicator includes a page with all the cells of the Eneso Verbo integration with Join-In.

Shared by: Eneso

Ejemplo de conjugación (portugués)

Ejemplo de conjugación (portugués)


(In Portuguese) Tablero que muestra, en forma de tutorial, la capacidad de conjugación automática de Verbo en persona, número y tiempo verbal, incluyendo formas reflexivas y afectivas.

Shared by: Eneso

Ejemplo de conjugación (italiano)

Ejemplo de conjugación (italiano)


(In Italian) Tablero que muestra, en forma de tutorial, la capacidad de conjugación automática de Verbo en persona, número y tiempo verbal, incluyendo formas reflexivas y afectivas.

Shared by: Eneso

Comunicador núcleo Verbo 1.0

Comunicador núcleo Verbo 1.0


(In Portuguese) Um comunicador completo baseado no paradigma do vocabulário núcleo, com recursos de conjugação automática, separação em categorias gramaticais e várias seções semânticas.

Shared by: Adapt4You

Comunicador pictos Verbo 1.0

Comunicador pictos Verbo 1.0


(In Portuguese) Um comunicador de nível intermediário com representação em linguagem textual e pictográfica, usando a biblioteca de pictogramas SymbolStix.

Shared by: Adapt4You

Comunicador texto Verbo 1.0

Comunicador texto Verbo 1.0


(In Portuguese) Um comunicador com representação puramente textual da língua, com capacidade de conjugação automática em pessoa, tempo numérico e verbal, previsão da escrita e notas. Inclui várias categorias semânticas.

Shared by: Adapt4You

Comunicador fotos Verbo 1.0

Comunicador fotos Verbo 1.0


(In Portuguese) Um comunicador baseado em fotografias reais. Este modelo simples pode ser usado como base para a criação de painéis personalizados a partir das fotos do usuário.

Shared by: Adapt4You

Teclado claro Verbo 1.0

Teclado claro Verbo 1.0


(In Portuguese) Um teclado virtual com previsão de digitação e capacidade de armazenar notas. Estilo claro.

Shared by: Adapt4You

Core communicator Verbo 1.0

Core communicator Verbo 1.0


(In Spanish) A complete communicator based on the core vocabulary paradigm, with automatic conjugation capacity, separation into grammatical categories and several semantic sections.

Shared by: Eneso

Symbol communicator Verbo 1.0

Symbol communicator Verbo 1.0


(In Spanish) An intermediate level communicator with textual and pictographic language representation, using the SymbolStix pictogram library.

Shared by: Eneso

Text communicator Verbo 1.0

Text communicator Verbo 1.0


(In Spanish) A communicator with a purely textual representation of the language, with the capacity for automatic conjugation in person, number and tense, typing prediction and notes. It includes several semantic categories.

Shared by: Eneso

Photo communicator Verbo 1.0

Photo communicator Verbo 1.0


(In Spanish) A communicator based on real photographs. This simple template can be used as the basis for creating custom boards from user photos.

Shared by: Eneso

Light keyboard Verbo 1.0

Light keyboard Verbo 1.0


(In Spanish) A virtual keyboard with typing prediction and the ability to store notes. Light style.

Shared by: Eneso

Dark keyboard Verbo 1.0

Dark keyboard Verbo 1.0


(In Spanish) A virtual keyboard with typing prediction and the ability to store notes. Dark style.

Shared by: Eneso

Exemple de conjugació (Català)

Exemple de conjugació (Català)


(In Catalan) Tauler que mostra, en forma de tutorial, la capacitat de conjugació automàtica de Verbo en persona, nombre i temps verbal, incloent formes reflexives i afectives.

Shared by: Eneso

Ejemplo de conjugación (Español)

Ejemplo de conjugación (Español)


(In Spanish) Tablero que muestra, en forma de tutorial, la capacidad de conjugación automática de Verbo en persona, número y tiempo verbal, incluyendo formas reflexivas y afectivas.

Shared by: Eneso

Teclado predictivo

Teclado predictivo


(In Portuguese) Este tablero de comunicación incluye una página principal con expresiones habituales combinadas con pictogramas de Arasaac y un reloj integrado. Se enlaza a un teclado alfabético qwerty con cinco celdas de predicción y un diseño atractivo.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Tabla de mensajes

Tabla de mensajes


(In Portuguese) Tablero de comunicación a través de lectoescritura. Consta de una sola página que incluye teclado alfanumérico, sílabas y palabras de uso frecuente, visualmente contrastadas para facilitar su uso.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Tablero de comunicación

Tablero de comunicación


(In Portuguese) Tablero de comunicación básica. Está diseñado con dos páginas Inicio y espacio suficiente para continuar añadiendo nuevo vocabulario gradualmente.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Actividades básicas

Actividades básicas


(In Portuguese) Tablero de comunicación de actividades de la vida diaria con más de 40 categorías para hablar de tus gustos y necesidades. Combina el estilo Verbo con colores, pictogramas y texto.

Shared by: Adapt4you




(In Portuguese) Tablero de comunicación para ir a la compra. Contiene diferentes categorías de productos, de medidas y de manejo de dinero. Recomendamos que lo modifiques, añadiendo los productos que compres más habitualmente.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Medios de transporte

Medios de transporte


(In Portuguese) Elige el medio de transporte que responda a la consigna dada. ¿Es ecológico? ¿Viaja bajo el mar?

Shared by: Adapt4you

Workshops, anticipation board

Workshops, anticipation board


(In Spanish) On this board you will find the anticipation of four workshops. In this case: vegetable garden, crafts, kitchen and ceramics. Within each workshop, the main activities that are usually carried out in them are listed. For example, if you click on the cell that puts a garden, it will take you to a page where a series of actions are listed, such as planting, watering, harvesting, starting, fertilizing and pruning.

Shared by: Eneso

Craft workshop, photo frame

Craft workshop, photo frame


(In Spanish) It is an anticipation board. In this case, we have given as an example the creation of a personalized photo frame. The board includes the steps to follow and a gallery with the materials that can be used to carry out the craft, as well as a page with a keyboard for people who have acquired literacy.

Shared by: Eneso

Cooking workshop, recipe book

Cooking workshop, recipe book


(In Spanish) It is an anticipation board that includes six recipes classified into six different categories. Each recipe covers two pages, one with the necessary ingredients and the other with the steps to follow. You can add new recipes and categories to expand the recipe.

Shared by: Eneso

Pottery workshop, flower pots

Pottery workshop, flower pots


(In Spanish) It is an anticipation board for the creation, in this case, of ceramic pots. It includes a page with the presentation of the object and the list of materials that are needed. The steps to follow to create the pot are explained below.

Shared by: Eneso

Quiero, no quiero - Control ocular

Quiero, no quiero - Control ocular


(In Italian) Tablero de comunicación de actividades de la vida diaria con más de 40 categorías para hablar de tus gustos y necesidades. Combina el estilo Verbo con colores, pictogramas y texto.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Quiero, no quiero

Quiero, no quiero


(In Italian) Tablero de comunicación de actividades de la vida diaria con más de 40 categorías para hablar de tus gustos y necesidades. Combina el estilo Verbo con colores, pictogramas y texto.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Teclado simplificado

Teclado simplificado


(In Italian) Teclado alfanumérico de alto contraste. Las vocales aparecen en otro color para diferenciarlas bien de las consonantes. Incluye predicción y una pequeña librería de mensajes cortos.

Shared by: Ausilionline




(In Italian) Además del acceso a un teclado alfabético neutro con aspecto de máquina de escribir, la página principal incluye formulaciones sociales habituales, combinando texto y pictogramas SymbolStix.

Shared by: Ausilionline




(In Italian) Ejemplo de tablero usando el esquema de colores del sistema SPC y los pictogramas de ARASAAC.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Tablero de comunicación

Tablero de comunicación


(In Italian) Tablero de comunicación básica. Está diseñado con dos páginas Inicio y espacio suficiente para continuar añadiendo nuevo vocabulario gradualmente.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Cómo me siento - Adultos

Cómo me siento - Adultos


(In Italian) Tablero de comunicación con pictogramas y palabras. Incluye categorías de sentimientos, enfermedades, partes del cuerpo, problemas y personas del entorno social.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Conjugated communicator

Conjugated communicator


(In Spanish) Communication board designed to combine the 120 most used verbs in our language. It includes quick talks phrases, questions, answers, opinions and more than 20 categories of vocabulary to talk about practically everything, as well as access to predictive keyboard, music and videos. It combines the SAAC style with more variety of colors, pictograms and text.

Shared by: Eneso

Let's go shopping - Notes

Let's go shopping - Notes


(In Spanish) Communication board to go shopping. It contains different categories of products, measures and money management. We recommend that you modify it by adding the products you buy most often. This version includes notes to save messages and retrieve them later.

Shared by: Eneso

High contrast with notes

High contrast with notes


(In Spanish) Bold letters and a high-contrast combination of colours for people with low visual acuity. Save messages as notes and retrieve them later.

Shared by: Eneso

Quiero - No quiero

Quiero - No quiero


(In French) Tablero de comunicación de actividades de la vida diaria con más de 40 categorías para hablar de tus gustos y necesidades. Combina el estilo Verbo con colores, pictogramas y texto.

Shared by: Domodep




(In French) Además del acceso a un teclado alfabético neutro con aspecto de máquina de escribir, la página principal incluye formulaciones sociales habituales, combinando texto y pictogramas SymbolStix.

Shared by: Domodep

Sólo texto

Sólo texto


(In French) Ejemplo de tablero sin pictogramas y un aspecto minimalista. Incluye una página de ropa y teclado sobrio.

Shared by: Domodep

Alto contraste

Alto contraste


(In French) Letras gruesas y una combinación de colores de alto contraste para personas con baja agudeza visual.

Shared by: Domodep

SAAC bordes

SAAC bordes


(In French) Un tablero que usa los colores del sistema SAAC de forma más sutil, dejando el fondo blanco. Incluye páginas de familia, amigos, colores, ropa, lugares y actividades.

Shared by: Domodep

Medios de transporte

Medios de transporte


(In Italian) Tablero de actividad educativa. Elige el medio de transporte que responda a la consigna dada. ¿Es ecológico? ¿Viaja bajo el mar?

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

High contrast with gaze control

High contrast with gaze control


(In Spanish) Bold letters and a high-contrast combination of colours for people who use a gaze control. To use an adapted keyboard to express oneself in any situation with total control of the eye tracking system.

Shared by: Eneso

Keyboard ABC, 123 - Sarakanda

Keyboard ABC, 123 - Sarakanda


(In Spanish) Communication board by literacy with Sarakanda font, a typeface specially designed for dyslexia. The main page includes some common expressions and the access to an abc predictive keyboard and numerical keyboard.

Shared by: Eneso

ABC predictive keyboard

ABC predictive keyboard


(In Spanish) Communication board by literacy with abc predictive keyboard and numerical keyboard. The main page includes some social words and a clock.

Shared by: Eneso

Predictive keyboard

Predictive keyboard

(In Communication board by literacy with predictive keyboard. The main page combines some social forms with Arasaac pictograms and a clock.

Shared by: Eneso

Message syllabic board

Message syllabic board


(In Spanish) Communication board by literacy. Combine the alphabetic keyboard with some frequent syllables and words. Each letter suggest some syllables combination for a better communication.

Shared by: Eneso

Message board

Message board


(In Spanish) Communication board by literacy. Combine the alphabetic keyboard with some frequent syllables and words.

Shared by: Eneso

Let's go shopping

Let's go shopping


(In Spanish) Communication board to go shopping. It contains different categories of products, measures and money management. We recommend that you modify it by adding the products you buy most often.

Shared by: Eneso

How I feel - adults

How I feel - adults


(In Spanish) Communication board with text and pictograms. It includes feelings, illness, parts of the body, problems and people categories.

Shared by: Eneso

I choose my menu

I choose my menu


(In Spanish) What do you want to eat? Say it with this board full of fruits, vegetables, legumes and meats. This board combines Verbo style with colours, pictograms and text.

Shared by: Eneso

I want - I don't want

I want - I don't want


(In Spanish) Communication board of everyday activities that includes over 40 categories to talk about your preferences and needs. Combine Verbo style with different colours, pictograms and text.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Besides the alphabetic keyboard with a typewriter look, the main page includes some social forms and it combines SymbolStix pictograms with text.

Shared by: Eneso

Text only

Text only


(In Spanish) Sample board without pictograms and a minimalist look.

Shared by: Eneso

High contrast

High contrast


(In Spanish) Bold letters and a high-contrast combination of colours for people with low visual acuity.

Shared by: Eneso

AAC outlines

AAC outlines


(In Spanish) A board that uses the colours of the AAC It includes categories of family, friends, colours, clothes, places and activities.

Shared by: Eneso