Verbo Community » Language and comprehension

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(In Italian) Actividad en la que debemos seleccionar la palabra que corresponda con la primeras letras propuestas.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

Abecedario con imágenes

Abecedario con imágenes


(In Portuguese) Es un recurso a través del cual trabajaremos las letras del abecedario asociando su sonido con el de diferentes objetos que comienzan con cada una de las letras, lo que ayudará a entender que cada palabra está compuesta por diferentes sonidos y que cada fonema ( letra) tiene su propio sonido.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Alphabet with pictures

Alphabet with pictures


(In Spanish) The “Alphabet with Images” board complements the previously uploaded activity, “Vowels with Images”. As we explained in the previous one, it is a resource through which we will work with the letters of the alphabet associating their sound with that of different objects that begin with each of the letters, which will help in understanding that each word is made up of different sounds. and that each phoneme (letter) has its own sound.

Shared by: Eneso

Identify syllables with Among Us

Identify syllables with Among Us


(In Spanish) During learning to read, it is necessary to implement reflection strategies on the composition of words and text, this is what we call phonological awareness. As we know, this is made up of different levels, including syllabic awareness, which refers to the recognition of the syllables that make up a word. With the help of this resource, we will be able to work on syllabic awareness by identifying the syllables that make up the different words that are presented. The resource has various disyllabic, trisyllabic and polysyllabic words organized in levels so that we can decide which words to work on.

Shared by: Eneso

The word panel

The word panel


(In Spanish) The Word Panel is an adaptation of the game "The Alphabet Game". With this board, directly related to linguistic competence, we can work on vocabulary, word families, semantic fields, grammatical categories, spelling rules, definitions and/or any type of vocabulary or area. The game, as it is to download it, has a series of questions, by letter of the alphabet, in which we will have to say what word it is. But we can adapt it to work on the different areas and competencies that we deem appropriate, just by modifying the questions. Not only is it a versatile resource to work on educational skills, but it is also perfectly adaptable to be used in intervention with adults, in cognitive stimulation and in the work and development of executive functions.

Shared by: Eneso

Word Quiz

Word Quiz


(In Spanish) The “Word Quiz” is an adaptation of the “Spell” game. With this resource, useful to use as a game or as an evaluative and/or diagnostic activity, we will work on the formation of words. Word formation is an essential element in the processes of learning to read and write and to develop phonological awareness. Understanding that a word is divided into smaller units, which together form a whole with meaning and meaning, opens the way for the learning of later processes of great importance for the development and learning of children. In addition to giving us the possibility of using it as a support resource in language and reading learning evaluation processes. It is not only an activity to work with children, we can also use it in cognitive stimulation work with older people.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Italian) Actividad interactiva sobre el uso de los acentos en italiano.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

Qué personaje es

Qué personaje es


(In Spanish) Tablero basado en el juego “¿Quién es quién?”. A través de este recurso, podremos jugar, de manera interactiva y guiada, a este conocido juego. La mecánica del juego cambiará un poco, ya que el/a profesional debe colocar, de manera visible y accesible para el/a usuario/a el panel con todos los personajes que tiene el juego. De esta manera, el/a usuario podrá ir realizando las preguntas que quiera, a través de su tablero, hasta llegar al personaje previamente elegido por el/a profesional. En el propio recurso encontraréis las instrucciones. Gracias a la posibilidad que nos brinda Verbo de imprimir las páginas, contextos o niveles de los tableros, podremos tener, de manera física y accesible, la página con los personajes.

Shared by: Eneso

Crear oraciones

Crear oraciones


(In Spanish) La conciencia fonológica es la capacidad para reconocer, reflexionar, utilizar y manipular, de manera consciente, los sonidos y segmentos de los que se compone el lenguaje. Podemos trabajarla desde todos sus niveles, conciencia léxica, conciencia silábica, conciencia fonémica y/o conciencia semántica. A través de la colección de tableros que podréis descargar desde el archivo zip que se adjunta, podremos trabajar la conciencia léxica y semántica. El archivo contiene cinco tableros con ejercicios para ordenar las partes de las oraciones: Tres de ellos, divididos en diferentes niveles, que guardarán las respuestas en la propia actividad además de generar un pdf con los resultados. Estos tableros se basan en una representación del lenguaje mixta, es decir, utilizando texto y pictogramas para cada palabra. Dos de ellos, basados en una representación del lenguaje textual y divididos por niveles, los cuales también guardarán las respuestas de los/as usuarios/as además de generar un pdf con los resultados.

Shared by: Eneso

Syllable Consciousness. Tri-Syllable Words

Syllable Consciousness. Tri-Syllable Words


(In Spanish) Board to work on phonological awareness through syllabic awareness and the division, into syllables, of trisyllabic words. This board can be used as a game, as a class activity and as an evaluable activity, since it saves the users responses, both on the board itself and in a PDF file.

Shared by: Eneso

Syllable Consciousness. Bi-Syllable Words

Syllable Consciousness. Bi-Syllable Words


(In Spanish) Board to work on phonological awareness through syllabic awareness and the division, into syllables, of two-syllable words. This resource can be used as a game, as a class activity and as an evaluable activity, since it saves the answers of the users.

Shared by: Eneso

Vocabulary Bingo

Vocabulary Bingo


(In Spanish) Activity to work different word families through the game of bingo.

Shared by: Eneso

Dactylological alphabet

Dactylological alphabet


(In Spanish) Board to learn the dactylological alphabet with symbols of with Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license on which some changes have been made.

Shared by: Eneso

Por qué sílaba empieza

Por qué sílaba empieza


(In Portuguese) Actividad con veinte pictogramas que representan palabras de varias sílabas. La actividad consiste en descubrir con qué sílaba comienza la palabra que representa cada uno de estos pictogramas. Las respuestas se guardan a medida que avanza la actividad. Al final de la actividad, existe una página con las respuestas dadas por el usuario y las respuestas correctas y también existe la opción de guardar esas respuestas en PDF.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Garden activities

Garden activities


(In Portuguese) It is an interactive activity to work on global reading. Words are divided into three categories: food, tools, and actions. It consists of identifying the word that corresponds to each pictogram, choosing between two possible options.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Garden workshop, association activity

Garden workshop, association activity


(In Spanish) It is an interactive activity to work on global reading. The words are divided into three categories: food, tools, and actions. It consists of identifying the word that corresponds to each pictogram, choosing between two possible options.

Shared by: Eneso

Craft workshop, materials I can find

Craft workshop, materials I can find


(In Spanish) Simple board to learn the vocabulary of the different materials that we can find in the craft workshop, it also includes a partnership activity where you have to relate one of those materials to the corresponding action.

Shared by: Eneso

How does the saying go?

How does the saying go?


(In Spanish) Try to remember how each of these sayings ends. It is an activity that can be done individually or in a group. They must look in their memory for the end of each saying and tell the meaning that they think it has. You can remove and add as many sayings as you want.

Shared by: Eneso

Identify the person who appears in the image

Identify the person who appears in the image


(In Spanish) Remember the name of various singers, actors and actresses born throughout the 20th century in Spain. At the end of the activity, you can listen to a song from each of the singers that appear. It aims to evoke past experiences in users.

Shared by: Eneso

The provinces of Andalusia

The provinces of Andalusia


(In Spanish) It is an identification activity where the user has to choose between two options the correct answer, it has a background melody and when it is correct, it goes to the next province after receiving a positive reinforcement.

Shared by: Eneso

¿En qué sílaba empieza?

¿En qué sílaba empieza?


(In Spanish) Actividad con veinte pictogramas que representan palabras de dos sílabas. La actividad consiste en averiguar cuál es la sílaba por la que empieza la palabra que representa cada uno de esos pictogramas. Las respuestas se van guardando a medida que se avanza en la actividad. Al final del tablero, hay una página con las respuestas dadas por el usuario y las respuestas correctas, existe la opción de guardar dichas respuestas en un archivo PDF.

Shared by: Moisés Roca

¿En qué sílaba termina la palabra?

¿En qué sílaba termina la palabra?


(In Spanish) Es un tablero que contiene veinte pictogramas que representan palabras de dos sílabas. La actividad consiste en averiguar cuál es la sílaba en la que termina la palabra que representa cada uno de esos pictogramas. Las respuestas se van guardando a medida que se avanza en la actividad. Al final del tablero, hay una página con las respuestas dadas por el usuario y las respuestas correctas, existe la opción de guardar dichas respuestas en un archivo PDF.

Shared by: Eneso

El tiempo

El tiempo


(In Italian) ¿Qué día es hoy? ¿Qué hora es? ¿Qué tiempo hace?

Shared by: Ausilionline

Los animales

Los animales


(In Italian) Animales domésticos, salvajes y de granja. Dónde viven y sus características.

Shared by: Ausilionline




(In Spanish) Can you find the word that rhymes? This version shows at the end a page with the expected choices and those of the user.

Shared by: Eneso

Complete the sentence

Complete the sentence


(In Spanish) Sort the groups of three letters in alphabetical order. At the end, a page with the expected results and the user's answers is displayed.

Shared by: Eneso

Categories - Results

Categories - Results


(In Spanish) Find the semantic category for the displayed image. At the end, a page with the user's response and the correct results is shown.

Shared by: Eneso

Pseudowords - Partial results

Pseudowords - Partial results


(In Spanish) Try to find out which words are made up and which ones are real. This version saves the user's choices as pdf files.

Shared by: Eneso

Leemos sílabas

Leemos sílabas


(In French) Escribe las sílabas que forman la palabra indicada para pasar al siguiente nivel.

Shared by: Domodep

Los animales

Los animales


(In French) Animales domésticos, salvajes y de granja. Dónde viven y sus características.

Shared by: Domodep

Completa la frase

Completa la frase


(In French) ¿Qué palabra falta para completar la frase? Usa las pictogramas para ayudarte.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Explore relationships between words and its categories.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Check the images and choose the corresponding vowel.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Italian) ¡Aprende sobre 16 animales salvajes! Encuentra el animal indicado y descubre sus características.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

La mariquita

La mariquita


(In Italian) ¿Cuántas mariquitas hay? Tablero de actividad en italiano para seleccionar la cantidad correspondiente con ayuda visual de pictogramas: pocas, muchas, una o ninguna.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

El oso Billy

El oso Billy


(In Italian) Simple ejercicio de comprensión de lectura con varias respuestas. Favorece la atención auditiva y la memoria a corto plazo.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

I talk about my family

I talk about my family


(In Spanish) Guess who? Activity to learn about your family members and their connections. Change the symbols for real pictures of your family and start the game!

Shared by: Eneso

El viejo lobo

El viejo lobo


(In Italian) El viejo lobo en italiano. Ejercicio de comprensión lectora que favorece la atención auditiva y la memoria a corto plazo.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

Specific language impairment

Specific language impairment


(In Spanish) To commemorate International Specific Language Impairment (SLI) Day, today on 30 September we launch this new Verbo Board with four activities designed to improve each aspects: Phonological awareness, semantics, morphosyntactic and pragmatic.

Shared by: Eneso

Recognizing verbs

Recognizing verbs


(In Spanish) Activity for syntactic analysis initiation. Read each sentence and locate the action in every one.

Shared by: Eneso

My senses

My senses


(In Spanish) Learning about the five senses in a visual way, with examples of daily activities. It combines symbols and text.

Shared by: Eneso

Learning symbols

Learning symbols


(In Spanish) Introduce new symbols in daily vocabulary. Listen the word and then search the corresponding photo and symbol.

Shared by: Eneso

Reading syllables

Reading syllables


(In Spanish) Write the syllables of the word to pass to the next level.

Shared by: Eneso

Intruder word

Intruder word


(In Spanish) Identify the word that does not fit in the sentence.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Can you find the word that rhymes?

Shared by: Eneso

The animals

The animals


(In Spanish) Pets, wild and farm animales. Where they live and their characteristics.

Shared by: Eneso